In today’s technologically advanced world, it’s easy to assume that our data is safely backed up and stored securely. However, the reality is that while access to stored information has never been simpler, the ability to recover all of it in the event of a disaster such as a fire or a flood may not be guaranteed. Have you ever considered how long your business could withstand being put on hold without access to critical files and systems before you can resume daily operations?

Did You Know

The repercussions of inaccessible data can be financially catastrophic for your company. It is crucial to understand the importance of having a proper backup disaster recovery plan in place. Did you know that 70% of small businesses that experience a significant data loss end up shutting down within a year? Moreover, statistics show that 25% of production machines are expected to fail within this year, and the risk is even higher for older equipment. Additionally, a staggering 24% of companies report having experienced a full data disaster.

Compliance regulations such as those enforced by HIPAA and PCI Compliance are becoming more stringent, requiring businesses to have robust backup, recovery, and continuity plans in place. Furthermore, according to Symantec, the CryptoLocker family accounts for 55% of all cyber attacks, potentially resulting in significant costs to unlock encrypted files within a narrow timeframe of 25-72 hours before the decryption key is destroyed.

No Downtime

The good news is that our services offer a seamless recovery process with minimal to no downtime. We operate from the cloud, ensuring that your data is backed up 24/7, providing you with the peace of mind that your critical information is secure and easily recoverable in case of emergencies.

Don’t wait until it’s too late to safeguard your business against the devastating effects of data loss. Implementing a reliable backup disaster recovery plan today will not only protect your valuable information but also ensure the continuity of your business operations in times of crisis.

If you are interested in learning more about how we can help you secure your data and ensure business continuity, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.